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            Ministry the implementation of "Made in China 2025" situation
            TIME: 2017-03-22 15:46:45
            FROM: admin
            VISITED: 0
                   March 11, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced to promote the implementation of "Made in China 2025" situation. See below:
                  "Made in China 2025" is a major strategic plan made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council based on the future development of China's manufacturing industry. It is the first ten-year action plan for the implementation of the strategy of making power in China. "Made in China 2025" since the implementation of the national manufacturing power in the construction of the leading group to promote coordination, the parties concerned to improve the top design and work mechanism, strengthen the department collaboration and linkage, play the role of the main business and major projects to promote the role of the work Has made the progress of the stage, in order to stabilize industrial growth, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing has played an important role.
            First, the main work situation
                    pay close attention to the implementation of planning, "five projects" effect of the initial performance. I Ministry of Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education and other relevant departments issued the implementation of 11 supporting the plan, introduced a number of support policies and measures to organize the implementation of the national manufacturing innovation center construction, intelligent manufacturing, industrial strong, green manufacturing, High-end equipment innovation and other five major projects. At present, the first innovation center - the National Power Battery Innovation Center has been set up, the National Center for Innovation Manufacturing Center began to build and nurture the construction of 19 provincial manufacturing innovation center. Carried out 226 intelligent manufacturing integrated standardized test verification and new model application project, selected 109 intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration projects, the construction of the first batch of 19 industrial technology based public service platform to promote the "package" key breakthrough action and "one-stop "Application plan, a number of core base parts, key basic materials and advanced infrastructure to achieve a breakthrough. Start the construction of green manufacturing system, the organization of 99 enterprises to carry out green design pilot demonstration, the creation of 51 national low-carbon industrial park, the implementation of 57 high-risk pollutant reduction projects, industrial enterprises above designated size industrial energy consumption decreased by about 5%. High-end equipment innovation results continue to emerge, high-speed rail key technologies and supporting technology, electric car hard shell batteries to achieve important breakthroughs in key materials.
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